Collaboration with Pack Up + Go

Pack Up + Go is a travel agency that specializes in surprise vacations. We partnered with them on two campaigns to spotlight the essence of their "surprise trip" concept. Through our collaboration, we illustrated the appeal of a surprise getaway and provided detailed insights into what to anticipate. We successfully generated substantial engagement, sparking enthusiasm and interest in the concept of surprise travel experiences.





“Working with both Natalie and Duncan has been amazing! The entire team has loved all of their content, and we love how their audience is super engaged and receptive of Pack Up + Go.”

— Pack Up + Go

Looking to bring your brand to new destinations?

We specialize in high-quality photography and captivating short-form videos, offering a visual journey of our travels with the goal of inspiring wanderlust in others.

Collaborate with us to elevate your brand's presence and captivate your audience with authentic, immersive content.

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Collaboration with Brightline